Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Magic Raisin and Toddler Compassion

Neither one of these really have anything to do with the other, but I thought I'd double up the topics on this post instead of posting twice. Let's start with "A Magic Raisin". If you watch Spongebob (which unfortunately, Jaycie loves) then you might remember the episode where SB and Patrick play inside a box all day. Squidworth is determined to find out where all the realistic noises are coming from from inside the box. SB keeps insisting that it's the powers of "Imagination" and makes a rainbow like arching motion with his hands as he says the word. Yesterday, Jaycie was talking to Josh and when he asked her where she came up with something she made an arching motion with her hands and said " it's a magic raisin, Daddy!" Of course, not seeing the episode, he was thoroughly confused as I was dying in laughter. He asked her what a magic raisin is and she just laughed with me slapping her knee from time to time. After I finally gained my composure I explained to him that it was "imagination" she was trying to say. Regardless of how she says it, Jaycie does have oodles of magic raisins.

On to "Toddler Compassion". This is a more sombering topic than the previous paragraph, but it's too sweet to pass on. My daughter not only has oodles of imagination she is also filled with compassion. Whenever she thinks Mommy is hurt or upset she gets upset and tries to fix it. Take last week for instance. I just got home from Walmart at 11:30 pm with the Tylenol for Jaycie's fever. I had started to feel chest pains on the way home but I tried to brush them off. I came home to find Jaycie awake on the bed and Josh fast asleep. So I gave her her medicine and then climbed into bed. Shortly afterward my chest pains got unbearable. I grabbed my chest and curled up and began to whimper in pain hoping not to scare Jaycie. She knew something was wrong though and patted my back telling me to calm down that she was here. My breathing had gone ragged through the pain and she tried to wake up Josh telling him, "Daddy, Mommy can't breathe!" He woke up for a second and asked if I was ok not waiting to hear the answer before he fell asleep again. Jaycie, however, stuck by my side hugging me and stroking my face telling me it was ok until the pain finally subsided. I hate that she had to witness Mommy in such pain, but I'm so glad that my little girl has such a heart of gold. She's makes me so proud.

Oh, and I do have an appointment to see the Dr tomorrow about my chest pains. I've had them for several years now and I always thought they were panic attacks. However, I think there's something else wrong since I get them even when I'm not stressed or worrying about something.


marineof2 said...

You had BETTER get to that doc girl! And I love the imagination episode....a magic raisin is hilarious!!!

marineof2 said...
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Steph said...

Magic raisin! LOVE it!!! Man I miss your kids. :)