Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When Mama's Sick...

Ever notice that when someone in the house gets sick it's Mama's job to nurse them back to health, but when Mama's sick she has to keep on truckin'? This last week or so has been an insane week for me. Jacobe came down with RSV and I had to take him to the ER because he was wheezing so badly. 7 hours later they sent me home and told me to irrigate his nose with saline solution and use a humidifier. Umm...that's what I HAD been doing. They did get me an appt with the pedi clinic though (which is nearly impossible to do). When I took him into his appt they sounded pretty surprised that he didn't get a breathing treatment at the ER. They gave him a breathing treatment and sent me home with a nebulizer. Then Jaycie got sick. We had to take her to urgent care. She has croup. They sent her home with antibiotics, steroids, and something for her cough.

Meanwhile, Maw has been very sick. Maw is the daughter of our good friends in Germany. She's staying with us while she goes to college here. "Maw" is what Jaycie has called her since she moved in in August. So I took her to the ER and she got seen right away. She had a bad case of Strep. They didn't even test her. It was pretty bad. She has a major adversion to needles. So when they told her they recommended getting a steroid shot she freaked out. Poor girl, I felt so bad. She tried to refuse but I made her get it. They said it'd make her throat feel better right away. Then they dropped the bomb...it had to be in her hip! Poor girl nearly passed out. They gave her the shot and sent her home with antibiotics. The next day her friend who's a boy but not her boyfriend and happens to be at the house almost daily comes over. On my way to bed I hit him in the chest and said "Good night, no making out on my couch." He acted like I hit him really hard and said he has heart problems. I laughed and went to bed. about a half hour later Maw comes to our door and tells us that B's having major chest pain and she doesn't know what to do. We get dressed and go out there. He's curled up in a fetal position and holding his chest. He says it hurts to breath or even move. Josh called 911 and they sent in the MP's and an ambulance. I couldn't help but notice the many boots on my new rug. I've a strict "No Shoe" rule on my new rug. *Sigh* all those germs. I know, I know...what a thing to think of when the poor boy is in so much pain he doesn't care that snot is hanging out of his nose. To my defense, I was pretty sure he was just having a major panic attack. He's had them before. And I've had them so bad that I've wanted to call 911. I recognized the signs. But...to be safe, yanno? I have to say that boy freaked me out at first. I thought I had caused a heart attack or something when I hit him. I frantically asked him if he was serious about having a heart problem. Through painful breaths he admitted he was joking. Thank God! So I just tried to calm him down and get him to breath slow deep breaths and prayed with him. EMT's came and whisked him off to the ER where his dad met him. The kid's under a lot of stress lately. Poor guy, I wish there was something more I can do for him. Of course he was fine. Josh picked them up from the ER in the morning.

Then I got sick. I hate being sick. My sinuses are clogged, my throat is itchy, my eyes watery, I'm all light-headed. I'm just miserable. Did I mention I hate being sick? Good news is everyone else is on the mend. Josh is trying to take care of me. But he works. And really, most men aren't the best at nursing someone back to health. I wish I could crawl back into bed right now. However, I am a mom. We're a mighty tough breed. Right? Haha, that's what I'll keep telling myself.


marineof2 said...

(((HUGS))) I hope you feel better quickly Jammie! I know how bad it sucks when you are sick!

Jammie said...

Thanks, Girl! You more so than me! I still think you're supermom. :)