I was finally able to get to Jacobe's 4 mos Well baby appt today. I was anxious to hear his stats. The nurses were fawning all over him and commenting on how chubby and adorable he is. As well as how happy he was. When they finally weighed him he was 18 lbs and 26 in. I don't remember his head circumference...43 cm maybe? He's in the 95th percentile...which means that he's bigger than 95% of babies in America. The Dr said he's a very healthy boy. She mentioned starting solids whenever I'm ready but suggested I try now to help him sleep through the night better. I'm still debating that topic. Jaycie didn't start until she was nearly 6 mos. I wanted to wait until at least 6 mos with Jacobe but maybe wait until 8 mos. However, I'm not quite sure what I want to do. I guess I'll do some more research and just go with my gut. He did luck out yesterday when big sister popped a sucker in his mouth when mommy wasn't looking. The whole no sugar thing was much easier with Jaycie. But I'm still sticking to my guns with this boy. No sugar, no junk food! I swear that's one of the two main reasons Jaycie eats so well now. That and she didn't really have a choice of what to eat. Anyway, the topic of when to start solids is open for debate. I'm torn this time around. Or maybe it's just I don't want it to seem like he's growing up, lol?
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