I've mentioned before how my daughter has this wonderful imagination. Her favorite game is to play pretend. Right now she's pretending she's our dog, Vala. She's barking and panting and dumping her snacks on the couch to eat them like Vala would. Last night she cried and cried because Daddy was throwing away her "Flyboat". He apparently did not know that said Flyboat was a box he had just used to clean the litterbox. So he did what any father would do...he blamed it on the cat. Later that night I hear "Hiiiiyaaa!! Hiiya hiiyayaya!" followed by the most pathetic "raaaarr!" from the cat. It was quite hilarious. Poor cat. Then she decided to find a new flyboat. I heard her scooting around the floor and decided to check it out. I asked what she was doing and she told me, "I in flyboat, Mommy!" Her new flyboat? A tiny playing card she got from Whataburger. I told my husband he needed to get her a new box pronto. She also loves to act out her new favorite show, Ni Hao Kai-Lan. Her favorite is to either act like she's rollerskating in which she falls on her butt and proclaims that "rorerska'ing is vewy haad!" Then she bursts into song singing "Two hands, and one hand and all by yourself!" while making me hold her hands while she "skates" around the house. So I got her some rollerskates. She loves her rollerskates. Another favorite is to say "I'm soooo MAD! I stomping all over da pace!" If I don't respond correctly she prompt me, "Say side side, Mommy!" At this point I have to sway my arms side to side like I'm hula dancing and say "Side to side, side to side. Calm down." Then she smiles, sways, and all is well...for five minutes until it starts all over again.
LOL! She is so cute! We need pics of her with the roller skates!
Kairi loves "side to side side to side callllllmmmmm doooowwwwwn" too. ;) I hear it all the time. Especially if I'm upset with her.
lol, I'll make sure to post pics next time she wears them!
Steph, lol, Jaycie loves to tell me to calm down and make me do side to side when I'm upset with her.
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