I know, two posts in one day. I just had to post this. Right now I'm listening to Jaycie sing a song about celery. She learned the song while watching Olivia--one of her new favorite shows. In this episode Olivia is helping her friend, Julian, overcome his fear of singing in public for their recital. They all had to dress like a fruit or veggie and sing a song that described them. His song was about celery and his goal in life is to become a famous rock star. So in several scenes he's singing like a rock star this celery song. Every so often Jaycie rocks out the song...
Chop me uuuuup in soooouuuup!
Use me diiiip! I'm a scoooooooooop!
I'm celeraaaaaaaaaay!!!
She really does sing it like a rock star. I love that girl!
Awww! You need to get this stuff on video!
lol, I know I do!! I'll try tomorrow. maybe she'll rock it out for me. It's hilarious!
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