My son is a chunk. I mentioned this before. But I have to dedicate a whole post about the chunkiness that is my son. Let me elaborate on this subject if you will. My sister had her baby three weeks before I had my little chunker. My little niece was born at 39 weeks weighing 9 lbs and 11 ozs. Three weeks later my son was born at 37 weeks weighing 7 lbs 9 ozs. At his 2 month well baby appointment (which was done at 2.5 months) he tipped the scales at a little over 14 lbs. When my niece was weighed at the Dr's office just the other day (nearly 5 months) she weighed 14 lbs 5 ozs. I'm almost afraid to see how much he'll weigh in at on Tuesday for his 4 month well baby! I know he's pretty dang heavy though. If you have a baby yourself you'll appreciate the following.... My 4 month old baby boy is now wearing mostly 12 mos clothes. His 6 mos are too tight, his 6-9 mos fit just right but the onesies are starting not to snap as easily, and his 12 mos are slightly big. Oh, and he's been in size 3 diapers for a few weeks now.
So you see why I call my son a chunker? I love it, I have to admit. Sure, it'd be nice to be able to use his clothes a bit longer, and it'd be nice to be able to use that big package of size 2 diapers. However, I love the rolls. All the little rolls of fat on my baby boy are just too cute! He's got 4 rolls on each arm and last I checked 4 on each leg. His wrists and ankles are hidden beneath said rolls. His little belly hangs over his pants and I love to tease him about his little "baby boobies". His chunkiness has brought on several nicknames--Buddha Baby, The Chunker, Butta (which is derived from his previous nickname of Butterball), and most recently is Moto Moto (if you've watched Madagascar 2 you'll know what I'm referring to). I also love to make up little songs about how fat he is. He loves it. He especially loves it when I sing "Baby Got Back".
How did he get so fat? He is a breastfed baby. I always thought that breastfed babies are supposed to be leaner but mine and most others I know have always been pretty fat. Although, I learned recently from my Dr that it's the fat that's leaner. Apparently the fat is a good fat which is good. But then my baby sure does like to eat. He eats. A lot. He's starting to slow down a bit, but it's not stopping his weight gain. I do feed on demand. I don't agree with feeding on a schedule although I do encourage him to wait a little longer now that he's older. I'm sure there are people who don't agree with me or think that I'm overfeeding my boy. However, I'm pretty confident in the way that I'm raising him and I know that he's perfectly healthy. Besides, who doesn't love a chubby baby?
LMAO! He is pretty big for his age! But feeding on demand is good!
Such a chunker! Love the rolls!
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